
MPU6050 and 3D cube

Time to rotate a virtual cube on a 0.96″ OLED Display! In this tutorial, I’ll be using the MPU6050 to get the acceleration values of the X-axis and the Y-Axis, which would then be translated to the speed at which the cube is rotating at. I’ll not be using the values of the gyroscope this time but I may used it in the future.

Tutorial MPU6050 and 3D cube

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library lcdgfx example: ssd1306_demo

 *   Attiny85 PINS (i2c)
 *             ____
 *   RESET   -|_|  |- 3V
 *   SCL (3) -|    |- (2)
 *   SDA (4) -|    |- (1)
 *   GND     -|____|- (0)
 *   Attiny SPI PINS:     connect LCD to D4 (D/C), GND (CS), D3 (RES), D1(DIN), D2(CLK)
 *   Nano/Atmega328 PINS: connect LCD to A4/A5 (i2c)
 *   ESP8266: GPIO4(SDA) / GPIO5( SCL )
 *   STM32: B7(SDA), B6(SCL)

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library lcdgfx example: ssd1306_demo

 *   Attiny85 PINS (i2c)
 *             ____
 *   RESET   -|_|  |- 3V
 *   SCL (3) -|    |- (2)
 *   SDA (4) -|    |- (1)
 *   GND     -|____|- (0)
 *   Attiny SPI PINS:     connect LCD to D4 (D/C), GND (CS), D3 (RES), D1(DIN), D2(CLK)
 *   Nano/Atmega328 PINS: connect LCD to A4/A5 (i2c)
 *   ESP8266: GPIO4(SDA) / GPIO5( SCL )
 *   STM32: B7(SDA), B6(SCL)

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Measuring voltage example

Source code

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