
Library lcdgfx example: lode runner

 *   Attiny85 PINS
 *             ____
 *   RESET   -|_|  |- 3V
 *   SCL (3) -|    |- (2)
 *   SDA (4) -|    |- (1) - BUZZER
 *   GND     -|____|- (0) - BUTTONS module
 *   Atmega328 PINS with i2c SSD1306 to A4/A5, BUZZER on D8,
 *   Z-keypad ADC module on A0 pin.
 *   If you want to use GPIO keys, uncomment USE_GPIO_BUTTONS below
 *   Atmega328 PINS with spi Nokia 5110 LCD:
 *   LCD RST to D3
 *   LCD CES to D4
 *   LCD DC to  D5
 *   LCD DIN to D11
 *   LCD CLK to D13
 *   LCD BL to  VCC

Play using gamepad (analogic):
Up: B button (mapped as computer keyboard "i" key)
Right: A button (mapped as computer keyboard "l" key)
Left: D button (mapped as computer keyboard "j" key)
Down: C button (mapped as computer keyboard "k" key)


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