Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- SavePrefs() : CPICSimLab
- Scale : part
- SetAlwaysUpdate() : part
- SetDebugPort() : CPICSimLab
- SetDebugStatus() : CPICSimLab
- SetDebugType() : CPICSimLab
- SetDefaultProcessor() : board
- SetId() : part
- SetMcuPwr() : CPICSimLab
- SetMcuRst() : CPICSimLab
- SetOrientation() : part
- SetProcessorName() : board
- SetRemotecPort() : CPICSimLab
- SetSample() : COscilloscope
- SetScale() : board, cboard_Breadboard, cboard_gpboard, cboard_McLab2, cboard_PICGenios, cboard_uCboard, part
- SetUpdate() : part
- SetUseOscilloscope() : board
- SetUseSpareParts() : board
- SetX() : part
- SetY() : part
- size : avr_gdb_watchpoints_t
- SpinChange() : cpart_lblock, cpart_leds, cpart_pbuttons, cpart_pot, cpart_pot_r, cpart_switches, part
- StartThread() : board
- status : input_t, output_t
- Stop() : cpart_Buzzer, part
- StopThread() : board