PICSimLab - Programmable IC Simulator Laboratory 0.9.2
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CPICSimLab Class Reference
Collaboration diagram for CPICSimLab:

Public Member Functions

void Init (void)
std::string GetSharePath (void)
 Get the file path of resources.
void SetSharePath (std::string spath)
std::string GetLibPath (void)
void SetLibPath (std::string lpath)
std::string GetHomePath (void)
void SetHomePath (std::string home)
std::string GetPath (void)
void SetPath (std::string path)
std::string GetFNAME (void)
void SetFNAME (std::string fname)
std::string GetOldPath (void)
void SetOldPath (std::string op)
std::string GetProcessorName (void)
void SetProcessorName (std::string pn)
long int GetNSTEP (void)
void SetNSTEP (long int ns)
long int GetNSTEPJ (void)
 Get the number of steps in 100ms of simulation.
void SetNSTEPJ (long int nsj)
int GetJUMPSTEPS (void)
 Get the number of steps to be skipped in board update.
void SetJUMPSTEPS (int js)
boardGetBoard (void)
 Return a pointer to board object.
void SetBoard (board *b)
void DeleteBoard (void)
int GetMcuPwr (void)
 Return actual power status of microcontroller ON/OFF.
int GetMcuRst (void)
 Retunr if microcontroller reset pin is enabled.
int GetMcuDbg (void)
void SetMcuPwr (int pp)
 Set the power status of microcontroller ON/OFF.
void SetCpuState (const PICSimlabCPUState cs)
void SetMcuRst (int pr)
 Set mcu rst flag (inform simulator about mcu reset state)
char GetCpuState (void)
void Set_mcudbg (int pd)
void SetMcuRun (int mr)
int GetMcuRun (void)
unsigned short GetDebugPort (void)
 Return the selected debugger port.
void SetDebugPort (unsigned short dp)
 Set debug TCP port.
unsigned short GetRemotecPort (void)
 Return the selected remote control port.
void SetRemotecPort (unsigned short rcp)
 Set remote control TCP port.
int GetInstanceNumber (void)
 Return the program instance number.
int GetDebugType (void)
 Return the selected debugger type.
void SetDebugType (int dt)
 Set debug type (MDB or GDB)
int GetDebugStatus (void)
 Get debug status (On/Off)
void SetDebugStatus (int dbs)
 Set debug status flag.
void SetClock (const float clk, const int update=1)
float GetClock (void)
void SavePrefs (std::string name, std::string value)
 Save the preferences.
void PrefsClear (void)
int PrefsSaveToFile (std::string fname)
int PrefsLoadFromFile (std::string fname)
unsigned int PrefsGetLinesCount (void)
std::string PrefsGetLine (int ln)
void OpenLoadHexFileDialog (void)
void SetNeedReboot (int nr=1)
int GetNeedReboot (void)
void RegisterError (const std::string error)
int GetErrorCount (void)
std::string GetError (int en)
void DeleteError (int en)
void EndSimulation (int saveold=0, const char *newpath=NULL)
void SetWorkspaceFileName (const std::string fname)
void SetLabs (const int lb, const int lb_)
int GetLab (void)
int GetLab_ (void)
int LoadHexFile (std::string fname)
void LoadWorkspace (std::string fnpzw, const int show_readme=1)
void SaveWorkspace (std::string fnpzw)
void SetSimulationRun (int run)
int GetSimulationRun (void)
double GetScale (void)
void SetScale (double s)
int GetNeedResize (void)
void SetNeedResize (int nr)
void Configure (const char *home, int use_default_board=0, int create=0, const char *lfile=NULL, const int disable_debug=0)
void SetplWidth (int pw)
void SetplHeight (int ph)
double GetIdleMs (void)
void SetIdleMs (double im)
int GetUseDSRReset (void)
void SetUseDSRReset (int udsr)
void SetToDestroy (int reason=RC_EXIT)
int GetToDestroy (void)
void SetSync (unsigned char s)
unsigned char GetSync (void)
char * GetPzwTmpdir (void)
void UpdateStatus (const PICSimlabStatus field, const std::string msg)
void * UpdateGUI (const int id, const PICSimlabGUIType type, const PICSimlabGUIAction action, const void *arg)
void ConfigMenuGUI (const PICSimlabGUIMenu type)

Static Public Member Functions

static int CanvasCmd (const CanvasCmd_t cmd)
static int WindowCmd (const int id, const char *ControlName, const PICSimLabWindowAction action, const char *Value, void *ReturnBuff=NULL)
static int SystemCmd (const PICSimLabSystemCmd cmd, const char *Arg, void *ReturnBuff=NULL)

Public Attributes

std::atomic< unsigned short int > status
std::atomic< int > tgo
int plWidth
int plHeight
int use_dsr_reset
void(* OnUpdateStatus )(const int field, const std::string msg)
void(* OnConfigure )(void)
void(* OnClockSet )(const float clk, const int update)
void(* OnReadPreferences )(const char *name, const char *value, const int create)
void(* OnSavePrefs )(void)
void(* OnLoadHexFile )(const std::string fname)
void(* OnOpenLoadHexFileDialog )(void)
void(* OnEndSimulation )(void)
void *(* OnUpdateGUI )(const int id, const PICSimlabGUIType type, const PICSimlabGUIAction action, const void *arg)
void(* OnConfigMenuGUI )(const PICSimlabGUIMenu type)
int(* OnCanvasCmd )(const CanvasCmd_t cmd)
int(* OnWindowCmd )(const int id, const char *ControlName, const PICSimLabWindowAction action, const char *Value, void *ReturnBuff)
int(* OnSystemCmd )(const PICSimLabSystemCmd cmd, const char *Arg, void *ReturnBuff)

Private Member Functions

void StartRControl (void)

Private Attributes

int lab
int lab_
std::string SHARE
std::string libpath
long int NSTEP
long int NSTEPJ
int mcurun
int mcupwr
int mcurst
int mcudbg
PICSimlabCPUState cpustate
unsigned short debug_port
unsigned short remotec_port
std::string HOME
std::string PATH
std::string FNAME
std::string OldPath
std::string proc_
std::string pzw_ver
int Instance
int debug_type
int debug
int need_resize
std::vector< std::string > prefs
int NeedReboot
std::vector< std::string > Errors
std::string Workspacefn
double scale
double idle_ms
int settodestroy
unsigned char sync
char pzwtmpdir [1024]

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