std::string | GetName (void) override |
| Get board name registered in PICSimLab.
std::string | GetAboutInfo (void) override |
| Return the about information of part.
void | Draw (void) override |
| Called ever 100ms to draw board.
void | Run_CPU (void) override |
| Paralle thread called ever 100ms to run cpu code.
std::string | GetSupportedDevices (void) override |
| Return a list of supported microcontrollers.
int | MInit (const char *processor, const char *fname, float freq) override |
| board microcontroller init
void | Reset (void) override |
| Reset board status.
int | MDumpMemory (const char *mfname) override |
| board microcontroller save non volatile memory to hex file
void | EvMouseMove (unsigned int button, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int state) override |
| Event on the board.
void | EvMouseButtonPress (unsigned int button, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int state) override |
| Event on the board.
void | EvMouseButtonRelease (unsigned int button, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int state) override |
| Event on the board.
void | EvKeyPress (unsigned int key, unsigned int mask) override |
| Event on the board.
void | EvKeyRelease (unsigned int key, unsigned int mask) override |
| Event on the board.
void | EvOnShow (void) override |
| Event on the board.
void | RefreshStatus (void) override |
| Called ever 1s to refresh status.
void | WritePreferences (void) override |
| Called to save board preferences in configuration file.
void | ReadPreferences (char *name, char *value) override |
| Called whe configuration file load preferences.
unsigned short | GetInputId (char *name) override |
| return the input ids numbers of names used in input map
unsigned short | GetOutputId (char *name) override |
| return the output ids numbers of names used in output map
void | board_Event (const char *controlname) override |
| Called when window side controls are activated.
void | SetScale (double scale) override |
| Set board draw scale.
void | OnTime (void) |
int | DebugInit (int dtyppe) override |
| Start debug support.
std::string | GetDebugName (void) override |
| Get debug interface name.
void | DebugLoop (void) override |
| debug step (pooling)
int | CpuInitialized (void) override |
| return true if microcontroller is initialized
void | MSetSerial (const char *port) override |
| Set serial port name to use.
void | MEnd (void) override |
| board microcontroller end
int | MGetArchitecture (void) override |
| Return board microcontroller architecture.
void | MEraseFlash (void) override |
| board microcontroller erase flash memory (program)
void | MSetFreq (float freq) override |
| board microcontroller set frequency
float | MGetFreq (void) override |
| board microcontroller get frequency
void | MSetVCC (float vcc) override |
| board microcontroller set vcc
float | MGetVCC (void) override |
| board microcontroller get vcc
float | MGetInstClockFreq (void) override |
| board microcontroller get cpu internal clock (in PIC frequency/4)
int | MGetPinCount (void) override |
| board microcontroller pin count
std::string | MGetPinName (int pin) override |
| board microcontroller pin name
void | MSetPin (int pin, unsigned char value) override |
| board microcontroller set digital pin
void | MSetPinDOV (int pin, unsigned char ovalue) override |
| board microcontroller set Default Open Value (external pull)
void | MSetAPin (int pin, float value) override |
| board microcontroller set analog pin
unsigned char | MGetPin (int pin) override |
| board microcontroller get digital pin value
const picpin * | MGetPinsValues (void) override |
| board microcontroller get all pins list struct
void | MStep (void) override |
| board microcontroller run one step
void | MStepResume (void) override |
| board microcontroller run one or two steps to resume instruction
void | MReset (int flags) override |
| board microcontroller reset
unsigned short * | DBGGetProcID_p (void) override |
| board microcontroller get pointer to processor ID
unsigned int | DBGGetPC (void) override |
| board microcontroller get PC
void | DBGSetPC (unsigned int pc) override |
| board microcontroller set PC
unsigned char * | DBGGetRAM_p (void) override |
| board microcontroller get RAM memory pointer
unsigned char * | DBGGetROM_p (void) override |
| board microcontroller get ROM (FLASH) memory pointer
unsigned char * | DBGGetCONFIG_p (void) override |
| board microcontroller get CONFIG memory pointer
unsigned char * | DBGGetID_p (void) override |
| board microcontroller get internal IDS memory pointer
unsigned char * | DBGGetEEPROM_p (void) override |
| board microcontroller get data EEPROM memory pointer
unsigned int | DBGGetRAMSize (void) override |
| board microcontroller get RAM memory size
unsigned int | DBGGetROMSize (void) override |
| board microcontroller get ROM (FLASH) memory size
unsigned int | DBGGetCONFIGSize (void) override |
| board microcontroller get CONFIG memory size
unsigned int | DBGGetIDSize (void) override |
| board microcontroller get internal IDS memory size
unsigned int | DBGGetEEPROM_Size (void) override |
| board microcontroller get data EEPROM memory size
unsigned int | DBGGetRAMLAWR (void) override |
| board microcontroller get last ram write address
unsigned int | DBGGetRAMLARD (void) override |
| board microcontroller get last ram read address
void | EndServers (void) override |
| board servers shutdown
int | GetDefaultClock (void) override |
| Get board default clock in MHz.
int | GetUARTRX (const int uart_num) override |
| Return the UART N RX pin number.
int | GetUARTTX (const int uart_num) override |
| Return the UART N TX pin number.
virtual std::string | GetPictureFileName (void) |
| Return the filename of board picture.
virtual std::string | GetMapFile (void) |
| Return the filename of board picture map.
virtual void | EvThreadRun (void) |
| Event on the board.
virtual void | board_ButtonEvent (const char *controlname, unsigned int button, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int state) |
| Called when window side controls are activated.
| board (void) |
| Called once on board creation.
virtual | ~board (void) |
| Called once on board destruction.
void | SetUseOscilloscope (int uo) |
| Enable/disable oscilloscope measurement.
void | SetUseSpareParts (int sp) |
| Enable/disable spare parts.
int | GetUseOscilloscope (void) |
| Get if oscilloscope is in use.
int | GetUseSpareParts (void) |
| Get if spare parts is in use.
void | SetProcessorName (std::string proc) |
| Set board processor.
std::string | GetProcessorName (void) |
| Get board processor in use.
int | GetInputCount (void) |
| Get board input count.
input_t * | GetInput (int n) |
| Get board input.
int | GetOutputCount (void) |
| Get board output count.
output_t * | GetOutput (int n) |
| Get board input.
int | MGetClocksPerInstructions (void) |
| board microcontroller get Clock pulses per instruction (in PIC equal to 4)
unsigned char | CalcAngle (int i, int x, int y) |
| Calc rotary potentiometer angle.
double | GetScale (void) |
| Get board draw scale.
std::string | GetDefaultProcessor (void) |
| Get board default processor.
void | SetDefaultProcessor (std::string dproc) |
| Set board default processor.
uint32_t | GetInstCounter (void) |
| Get instruction counter.
uint32_t | GetInstCounter_us (const uint32_t start) |
| Get elapsed time from instruction counter in us.
uint32_t | GetInstCounter_ms (const uint32_t start) |
| Get elapsed time from instruction counter in us.
int | TimerRegister_us (const double micros, void(*Callback)(void *arg), void *arg) |
| Register a new timer with time in us (default enabled)
int | TimerRegister_ms (const double miles, void(*Callback)(void *arg), void *arg) |
| Register a new timer with time in ms (default enabled)
int | TimerUnregister (const int timer) |
| Unregister timer.
int | TimerChange_us (const int timer, const double micros) |
| Modify timer value with us.
int | TimerChange_ms (const int timer, const double miles) |
| Modify timer value with us.
int | TimerSetState (const int timer, const int enabled) |
| Enable or disable timer.
uint64_t | TimerGet_ns (const int timer) |
| Get elapsed time from instruction counter in ns.
void | TimerUpdateFrequency (float freq) |
| Update Timer counters on frequency change.
virtual void | IoLockAccess (void) |
| Lock IO to others threads access.
virtual void | IoUnlockAccess (void) |
| Unlock IO to others threads access.
virtual std::string | GetClkLabel (void) |
| Return the description of clk label.