PICSimLab - Programmable IC Simulator Laboratory 0.9.2
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cboard_x Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for cboard_x:
Collaboration diagram for cboard_x:

Public Member Functions

std::string GetName (void) override
 Get board name registered in PICSimLab.
std::string GetAboutInfo (void) override
 Return the about information of part.
void Draw (void) override
 Called ever 100ms to draw board.
void Run_CPU (void) override
 Paralle thread called ever 100ms to run cpu code.
std::string GetSupportedDevices (void) override
 Return a list of supported microcontrollers.
void Reset (void) override
 Reset board status.
void EvMouseButtonPress (unsigned int button, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int state) override
 Event on the board.
void EvMouseButtonRelease (unsigned int button, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int state) override
 Event on the board.
void EvMouseMove (unsigned int button, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int state) override
 Event on the board.
void EvKeyPress (unsigned int key, unsigned int mask) override
 Event on the board.
void EvKeyRelease (unsigned int key, unsigned int mask) override
 Event on the board.
void RefreshStatus (void) override
 Called ever 1s to refresh status.
void WritePreferences (void) override
 Called to save board preferences in configuration file.
void ReadPreferences (char *name, char *value) override
 Called whe configuration file load preferences.
unsigned short GetInputId (char *name) override
 return the input ids numbers of names used in input map
unsigned short GetOutputId (char *name) override
 return the output ids numbers of names used in output map
- Public Member Functions inherited from bsim_picsim
int DebugInit (int dtyppe) override
 Start debug support.
std::string GetDebugName (void) override
 Get debug interface name.
void DebugLoop (void) override
 debug step (pooling)
int CpuInitialized (void) override
 return true if microcontroller is initialized
void MSetSerial (const char *port) override
 Set serial port name to use.
int MInit (const char *processor, const char *fname, float freq) override
 board microcontroller init
void MEnd (void) override
 board microcontroller end
int MGetArchitecture (void) override
 Return board microcontroller architecture.
int MDumpMemory (const char *fname) override
 board microcontroller save non volatile memory to hex file
void MEraseFlash (void) override
 board microcontroller erase flash memory (program)
void MSetFreq (float freq) override
 board microcontroller set frequency
float MGetFreq (void) override
 board microcontroller get frequency
void MSetVCC (float vcc) override
 board microcontroller set vcc
float MGetVCC (void) override
 board microcontroller get vcc
float MGetInstClockFreq (void) override
 board microcontroller get cpu internal clock (in PIC frequency/4)
int MGetPinCount (void) override
 board microcontroller pin count
std::string MGetPinName (int pin) override
 board microcontroller pin name
void MSetPin (int pin, unsigned char value) override
 board microcontroller set digital pin
void MSetPinDOV (int pin, unsigned char ovalue) override
 board microcontroller set Default Open Value (external pull)
void MSetAPin (int pin, float value) override
 board microcontroller set analog pin
unsigned char MGetPin (int pin) override
 board microcontroller get digital pin value
const picpin * MGetPinsValues (void) override
 board microcontroller get all pins list struct
void MStep (void) override
 board microcontroller run one step
void MStepResume (void) override
 board microcontroller run one or two steps to resume instruction
void MReset (int flags) override
 board microcontroller reset
unsigned short * DBGGetProcID_p (void) override
 board microcontroller get pointer to processor ID
unsigned int DBGGetPC (void) override
 board microcontroller get PC
void DBGSetPC (unsigned int pc) override
 board microcontroller set PC
unsigned char * DBGGetRAM_p (void) override
 board microcontroller get RAM memory pointer
unsigned char * DBGGetROM_p (void) override
 board microcontroller get ROM (FLASH) memory pointer
unsigned char * DBGGetCONFIG_p (void) override
 board microcontroller get CONFIG memory pointer
unsigned char * DBGGetID_p (void) override
 board microcontroller get internal IDS memory pointer
unsigned char * DBGGetEEPROM_p (void) override
 board microcontroller get data EEPROM memory pointer
unsigned int DBGGetRAMSize (void) override
 board microcontroller get RAM memory size
unsigned int DBGGetROMSize (void) override
 board microcontroller get ROM (FLASH) memory size
unsigned int DBGGetCONFIGSize (void) override
 board microcontroller get CONFIG memory size
unsigned int DBGGetIDSize (void) override
 board microcontroller get internal IDS memory size
unsigned int DBGGetEEPROM_Size (void) override
 board microcontroller get data EEPROM memory size
unsigned int DBGGetRAMLAWR (void) override
 board microcontroller get last ram write address
unsigned int DBGGetRAMLARD (void) override
 board microcontroller get last ram read address
void EndServers (void) override
 board servers shutdown
int GetDefaultClock (void) override
 Get board default clock in MHz.
int GetUARTRX (const int uart_num) override
 Return the UART N RX pin number.
int GetUARTTX (const int uart_num) override
 Return the UART N TX pin number.
- Public Member Functions inherited from board
virtual std::string GetPictureFileName (void)
 Return the filename of board picture.
virtual std::string GetMapFile (void)
 Return the filename of board picture map.
virtual void EvOnShow (void)
 Event on the board.
virtual void EvThreadRun (void)
 Event on the board.
virtual void board_Event (const char *controlname)
 Called when window side controls are activated.
virtual void board_ButtonEvent (const char *controlname, unsigned int button, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int state)
 Called when window side controls are activated.
 board (void)
 Called once on board creation.
virtual ~board (void)
 Called once on board destruction.
void SetUseOscilloscope (int uo)
 Enable/disable oscilloscope measurement.
void SetUseSpareParts (int sp)
 Enable/disable spare parts.
int GetUseOscilloscope (void)
 Get if oscilloscope is in use.
int GetUseSpareParts (void)
 Get if spare parts is in use.
void SetProcessorName (std::string proc)
 Set board processor.
std::string GetProcessorName (void)
 Get board processor in use.
int GetInputCount (void)
 Get board input count.
input_tGetInput (int n)
 Get board input.
int GetOutputCount (void)
 Get board output count.
output_tGetOutput (int n)
 Get board input.
int MGetClocksPerInstructions (void)
 board microcontroller get Clock pulses per instruction (in PIC equal to 4)
unsigned char CalcAngle (int i, int x, int y)
 Calc rotary potentiometer angle.
virtual void SetScale (double scale)
 Set board draw scale.
double GetScale (void)
 Get board draw scale.
std::string GetDefaultProcessor (void)
 Get board default processor.
void SetDefaultProcessor (std::string dproc)
 Set board default processor.
uint32_t GetInstCounter (void)
 Get instruction counter.
uint32_t GetInstCounter_us (const uint32_t start)
 Get elapsed time from instruction counter in us.
uint32_t GetInstCounter_ms (const uint32_t start)
 Get elapsed time from instruction counter in us.
int TimerRegister_us (const double micros, void(*Callback)(void *arg), void *arg)
 Register a new timer with time in us (default enabled)
int TimerRegister_ms (const double miles, void(*Callback)(void *arg), void *arg)
 Register a new timer with time in ms (default enabled)
int TimerUnregister (const int timer)
 Unregister timer.
int TimerChange_us (const int timer, const double micros)
 Modify timer value with us.
int TimerChange_ms (const int timer, const double miles)
 Modify timer value with us.
int TimerSetState (const int timer, const int enabled)
 Enable or disable timer.
uint64_t TimerGet_ns (const int timer)
 Get elapsed time from instruction counter in ns.
void TimerUpdateFrequency (float freq)
 Update Timer counters on frequency change.
virtual void IoLockAccess (void)
 Lock IO to others threads access.
virtual void IoUnlockAccess (void)
 Unlock IO to others threads access.
virtual std::string GetClkLabel (void)
 Return the description of clk label.

Private Member Functions

void RegisterRemoteControl (void) override
 Register remote control variables.

Private Attributes

unsigned char p_BT1
unsigned char p_BT2
unsigned char pot1
unsigned char active
SWBounce_t bounce

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from board
void InstCounterInc (void)
 Increment the Intructions Counter.
void ReadMaps (void)
 Read maps.
void StartThread (void)
 Start parallel thread.
void StopThread (void)
 Stop parallel thread.
- Protected Attributes inherited from bsim_picsim
_pic pic
- Protected Attributes inherited from board
std::string Proc
 Name of processor in use.
std::string DProc
 Name of default board processor.
input_t input [MAX_IDS]
 input map elements
input_tinput_ids [MAX_IDS]
 input map elements by id order
output_t output [MAX_IDS]
 output map elements
output_toutput_ids [MAX_IDS]
 output map elements by id order
int inputc
 input map elements counter
int outputc
 output map elements counter
int use_oscope
 use oscilloscope window
int use_spare
 use spare parts window
unsigned char p_RST
 board /RESET pin state
float Scale

Member Function Documentation

◆ Draw()

void cboard_x::Draw ( void  )

Called ever 100ms to draw board.

Implements board.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ EvKeyPress()

void cboard_x::EvKeyPress ( unsigned int  key,
unsigned int  mask 

Event on the board.

Implements board.

◆ EvKeyRelease()

void cboard_x::EvKeyRelease ( unsigned int  key,
unsigned int  mask 

Event on the board.

Implements board.

◆ EvMouseButtonPress()

void cboard_x::EvMouseButtonPress ( unsigned int  button,
unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y,
unsigned int  state 

Event on the board.

Implements board.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ EvMouseButtonRelease()

void cboard_x::EvMouseButtonRelease ( unsigned int  button,
unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y,
unsigned int  state 

Event on the board.

Implements board.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ EvMouseMove()

void cboard_x::EvMouseMove ( unsigned int  button,
unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y,
unsigned int  state 

Event on the board.

Reimplemented from board.

◆ GetAboutInfo()

std::string cboard_x::GetAboutInfo ( void  )

Return the about information of part.

Implements board.

◆ GetInputId()

unsigned short cboard_x::GetInputId ( char *  name)

return the input ids numbers of names used in input map

Implements board.

◆ GetName()

std::string cboard_x::GetName ( void  )

Get board name registered in PICSimLab.

Implements board.

◆ GetOutputId()

unsigned short cboard_x::GetOutputId ( char *  name)

return the output ids numbers of names used in output map

Implements board.

◆ GetSupportedDevices()

std::string cboard_x::GetSupportedDevices ( void  )

Return a list of supported microcontrollers.

Implements board.

◆ ReadPreferences()

void cboard_x::ReadPreferences ( char *  name,
char *  value 

Called whe configuration file load preferences.

Reimplemented from board.

◆ RefreshStatus()

void cboard_x::RefreshStatus ( void  )

Called ever 1s to refresh status.

Reimplemented from board.

◆ RegisterRemoteControl()

void cboard_x::RegisterRemoteControl ( void  )

Register remote control variables.

Reimplemented from board.

◆ Reset()

void cboard_x::Reset ( void  )

Reset board status.

Implements board.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Run_CPU()

void cboard_x::Run_CPU ( void  )

Paralle thread called ever 100ms to run cpu code.

Implements board.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ WritePreferences()

void cboard_x::WritePreferences ( void  )

Called to save board preferences in configuration file.

Reimplemented from board.

Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: