3.4 Remote Control Interface

The remote control interface allows other programs to control the PICSimLab simulation through a TCP/IP socket using text formatted commands.

The PICSimLab remote control interface supports TCP connections using telnet or nc (netcat).

The default port is 5000 and can be changed in configuration windows.

The ’rlwrap’ command can be used for best command edition support in telnet or nc:

  rlwrap nc 5000

The supported commands can be shown using the “help” command:

List of supported commands: 
  dumpe [a] [s]- dump internal EEPROM memory 
  dumpf [a] [s]- dump Flash memory 
  dumpr [a] [s]- dump RAM memory 
  exit         - shutdown PICSimLab 
  get ob       - get object value 
  help         - show this message 
  info         - show actual setup info and objects 
  loadhex file - load hex file (use full path) 
  pins         - show pins directions and values 
  pinsl        - show pins formated info 
  quit         - exit remote control interface 
  reset        - reset the board 
  set ob vl    - set object with value 
  sim [cmd]    - show simulation status or execute cmd start/stop 
  sync         - wait to syncronize with timer event 
  version      - show PICSimLab version 

The “info” command show all available "objects" and values:

Board:     Arduino Uno 
Processor: atmega328p 
Frequency:   16000000 Hz 
Use Spare: 1 
    board.out[00] LD_L= 254 
  part[00]: LEDs 
    part[00].out[08] LD_1= 254 
    part[00].out[09] LD_2= 30 
    part[00].out[10] LD_3= 254 
    part[00].out[11] LD_4= 254 
    part[00].out[12] LD_5 254 
    part[00].out[13] LD_6= 254 
    part[00].out[14] LD_7= 254 
  part[01]: Buzzer 
    part[01].out[02] LD_1= 140 
  part[02]: Push buttons 
    part[02].in[00] PB_1= 1 
    part[02].in[01] PB_2= 0 
    part[02].in[02] PB_3= 1 
    part[02].in[03] PB_4= 1 
    part[02].in[04] PB_5= 1 
    part[02].in[05] PB_6= 1 
    part[02].in[06] PB_7= 1 
    part[02].in[07] PB_8= 1 

The “pins” command show all pins directions and digital values:

  pin[01] ( PC6/RST) < 0                 pin[15] (  PB1/~9) > 0 
  pin[02] (   PD0/0) < 1                 pin[16] ( PB2/~10) > 0 
  pin[03] (   PD1/1) < 1                 pin[17] ( PB3/~11) > 0 
  pin[04] (   PD2/2) < 1                 pin[18] (  PB4/12) < 0 
  pin[05] (  PD3/~3) > 0                 pin[19] (  PB5/13) > 0 
  pin[06] (   PD4/4) < 1                 pin[20] (     +5V) < 1 
  pin[07] (     +5V) < 1                 pin[21] (    AREF) < 0 
  pin[08] (     GND) < 0                 pin[22] (     GND) < 0 
  pin[09] (  PB6/X1) < 0                 pin[23] (  PC0/A0) < 0 
  pin[10] (  PB7/X2) < 0                 pin[24] (  PC1/A1) < 0 
  pin[11] (  PD5/~5) < 1                 pin[25] (  PC2/A2) < 0 
  pin[12] (  PD6/~6) < 1                 pin[26] (  PC3/A3) < 0 
  pin[13] (   PD7/7) < 1                 pin[27] (  PC4/A4) > 0 
  pin[14] (   PB0/8) > 0                 pin[28] (  PC5/A5) > 0 

The “pinsl” command show all pins info in text formatted output:

28 pins [atmega328p]: 
  pin[01] D I 0 000 0.000 "PC6/RST " 
  pin[02] D I 1 200 0.000 "PD0/0   " 
  pin[03] D I 1 200 0.000 "PD1/1   " 
  pin[04] D I 1 200 0.000 "PD2/2   " 
  pin[05] D O 0 007 0.000 "PD3/~3  " 
  pin[06] D I 1 200 0.000 "PD4/4   " 
  pin[07] P I 1 200 0.000 "+5V     " 
  pin[08] P I 0 000 0.000 "GND     " 
  pin[09] D I 0 000 0.000 "PB6/X1  " 
  pin[10] D I 0 000 0.000 "PB7/X2  " 
  pin[11] D I 1 200 0.000 "PD5/~5  " 
  pin[12] D I 1 200 0.000 "PD6/~6  " 
  pin[13] D I 1 200 0.000 "PD7/7   " 
  pin[14] D O 0 000 0.000 "PB0/8   " 
  pin[15] D O 0 000 0.000 "PB1/~9  " 
  pin[16] D O 0 000 0.000 "PB2/~10 " 
  pin[17] D O 0 006 0.000 "PB3/~11 " 
  pin[18] D I 0 000 0.000 "PB4/12  " 
  pin[19] D O 0 000 0.000 "PB5/13  " 
  pin[20] P I 1 200 0.000 "+5V     " 
  pin[21] R I 0 000 0.000 "AREF    " 
  pin[22] P I 0 000 0.000 "GND     " 
  pin[23] A I 0 000 0.875 "PC0/A0  " 
  pin[24] A I 0 000 1.925 "PC1/A1  " 
  pin[25] A I 0 000 2.700 "PC2/A2  " 
  pin[26] A I 0 000 4.275 "PC3/A3  " 
  pin[27] D O 1 179 0.000 "PC4/A4  " 
  pin[28] D O 1 186 0.000 "PC5/A5  " 

You can view one input/output state using the “get” command:

get board.out[00] 
get part[02].in[01]

Its possible use the “get” command to view individual pins state:

#digital state 
get pin[19] 
pin[19]= 0 
#digital mean value (0-200) 
get pinm[19] 
pin[18]= 100 
#analog state 
get apin[25] 
apin[25]= 2.700 
#all info 
get pinl[13] 
pin[13] D I 1 200 0.000 "PD7/7   " 

And set value of one input using the “set” command:

set part[02].in[01]  0 
set part[02].in[01]  1

Or set value of one pin using the “set” command:

set pin[10]  2 
set apin[20] 2.345

For windows users putty telnet client is a good option to access the remote control interface.