3.5 Picture Map Reference

Names used in .map files for boards and parts are standardized and used by the remote control interface.

The names must start with I_ if it is an input, O_ if it is an output or B_ if it is bidirectional. And be followed by one of the two-letter types in the table below before the area name.

Function Type
RControl In RControl Out
I MD Memory Dump - -
I KB Keyboard Key 0 or 1 0 or 1
I PG Program - -
I CN Connector - -
B PO Potentiometer 0 to 200 0 to 200
B JP Jumper 0 or 1 0 or 1
B VS Value short -32768 to 32767 -32768 to 32767
B PB Push button 0 or 1 0 or 1
B DP Dip switch 0 or 1 0 or 1
B SW Switch 0 or 1 0 or 1
B RT Rotary encoder 0 to 200 0 to 200
B AJ Dip switch - -
O MC Motor Cooler - 0 to 200
O PN Pin name - -
O ST Status - -
O IC IC name - -
O LM LED Matrix - -
O DI Display Info - -
O LD LED - 0 to 200
O DS Display - if alphanumeric show text
O MT DC motor - dir 0 or 1, spd. 0 to 200, pos. 0 to 200
O DG Degree - float angle
O SS seven segment - decoded number

For example area named B_PB_Start, which describes the position of a push button named "Start". The B_ bidirectional indicates that the mapped area serves as user action input and drawing output.