9.4.1 ETH w5500

This part is a ethernet shield w5500 with support to 8 sockets simultaneously.

Only TCP/UDP unicast address sockets is supported. DHCP is emulated and return a fake ipv4 address.

All listening ports below 2000 are increased by 2000 to avoid operational system services ports. For example listening on port 80 becomes 2080.

w5500 Status Legend:

1º Letter - Type 2º Letter - Status 3º Letter - Error
C - Closed C - Closed B - Bind
T - TCP I - Initialized S - Send
U - UDP L - Listen R - Receive
M - MACRAW (don’t supported) S - Syn sent L - Listen
E - Established U - Reuse
W - Close wait C - Connecting
U - UDP D - Shutdown
M - MACRAW (don’t supported)

Click on connector to toggle link status.


